
Certain events that occur within the SC Controller application can be reported to you in the form of notifications. These notifications can be delivered within the web app, via individual emails or in a daily digest email. You can toggle which events you would like to receive notifications for, and how you would like to receive those notifications, in Notification Preferences.

  1. Click your username or avatar, then click the Notifications icon . This opens a list of the most recent notifications you have received across all POP Apps you have access to.

  2. Click the cog icon at the top-right of the Notifications list. This opens the Notification Preferences window.

  3. Click Core to open the drop-down menu and select SC Controller to view the SC Controller-related notifications. If you are assigned to any additional user roles e.g. Workflow Manager, use the right-hand drop-down menu to switch between notifications specific to each role.

  4. Tick/untick a box to enable/disable notifications for the event on that row via the method in that column. Any changes you make are instantly saved. Some notifications may be designated 'always on' or 'always off' at tenant level - these are indicated by a padlock with a tick or cross respectively. You cannot toggle such notifications. See below for an explanation of each notification.

  5. Enter the time at which you would like to receive the daily digest email.

Role: MC QS

Notification Description Who can receive this notification

New SC Order raised from ERP+

If ticked, you will be notified when a new SC order relevant to you is committed in ERP+.

  • Administrator users

  • User assigned to the contract

Order has been cancelled

If ticked, you will be notified when an SC order relevant to you is cancelled in ERP+.

  • Administrator users

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Order has been uncommitted

If ticked, you will be notified when an SC order relevant to you is uncommitted in ERP+.

  • Administrator users

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Order has been delegated

If ticked, you will be notified when an SC order is delegated to or from you.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to

Order has been shared with SC QS

If ticked, you will be notified after an SC order relevant to you is shared with a subcontractor, to confirm it went through.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Subcontractor is not onboarded yet If ticked, you will be notified when an SC order relevant to you is raised from ERP+ without the subcontractor having been onboarded yet.
  • Administrator users

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Contract Default Person Assigned

If ticked, you will be notified when you are added or removed as the default assignee for a contract.

  • Administrator users

  • User assigned to the contract

Application has been submitted

If ticked, you will be notified when a subcontractor submits an application for payment against an order relevant to you.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Payment Notice is due

If ticked, you will be notified each day, beginning three days from the due date, about the impending payment notice due date, for each period of each order relevant to you. If there is no application, the notification is not sent.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Pay Less Notice is due

If ticked, you will be notified each day, beginning three days from the due date, about the impending pay less notice due date, for each period of each order relevant to you. If there is no application or if a payment notice exists, the notification is not sent.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Last date to send a Pay Less Notice is due

If ticked, you will be notified on the day of the last date to submit a pay less notice for each period of each order relevant to you.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

ERP+ Transmit Pay Notice actions

If ticked, you will be notified when a payment notice or pay less notice relevant to you is processed in COINS ERP+ or rejected by COINS ERP+.

  • User assigned to the order

  • Requestors and approvers

  • Workflow manager and workflow admin

Pay has been rejected

If ticked, you will be notified when a payment notice or pay less notice relevant to you is rejected during notice approval.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Approval Request Status has been changed

If ticked, you will be notified when a notice relevant to you is approved or rejected in workflow.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

  • Approver(s)

Approval Request has been created

If ticked, you will be notified after a notice relevant to you is submitted for approval, to confirm it went through to your workflow manager.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

  • Approver(s)

Approval Request Awaiting Status

If ticked, you will be notified when a new payment notice or pay less notice relevant to you for approval.

  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

  • Approver(s)

Approval Workflow: Notice has been rejected If ticked, you will be notified when a notice relevant to you is rejected in workflow.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

  • Approver(s)

Notice Issued Subject to Approval If ticked, you will be notified when a notice relevant to you has been auto-issued without being approved. The notification will contain the deadline for approval. The frequency of these notifications is configured in Company Order Rules.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

  • Approver(s)

Notice Issued - Subject to Approval has been Rejected If ticked, you will be notified when a notice relevant to you which was auto-issued without being approved has been rejected.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

  • Approver(s)

Payment Notice Due Date - Notice is not submitted If ticked, you will be notified at 8.00 am the day before the payment notice due date, in the case that the subcontractor has submitted an application and a payment notice has been created for it but has not yet submitted to workflow.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

  • Approver(s)

Payment Notice Due Date - Notice does not exist If ticked, you will be notified at 8.00 am the day before the payment notice due date, in the case that the subcontractor has submitted an application and no corresponding payment notice has been created or issued.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

  • Approver(s)

Approval Rights Delegation If ticked, you will be notified when a user delegates their approval responsibilities to you, or when you delegate to another user.
  • User delegating

  • User being delegated to

Valuation Date has been modified If ticked, you will be notified when the valuation dates are modified for an SC order relevant to you.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Order has been re-opened If ticked, you will be notified when a closed SC order relevant to you is reopened in ERP+.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

SC Liability Creation If ticked, you will be notified when a new liability is created for you to review. This happens when a subcontractor submits an application for an order to which you are assigned, and the linked contract has the auto liability parameter enabled in ERP+.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)

Notice Returned from ERP+ If ticked, you will be notified when a notice relevant to you is returned from ERP+.
  • User assigned to the order

  • User the order is delegated to (if applicable)


Role: Workflow Manager

Pay limit has been exceeded

If ticked, you will be notified when a payment notice or pay less notice exceeding the pay limit is submitted for your approval.

For all other notifications, see the MC QS table above.


Role: MC Senior QS

SQS Approval Request Awaiting Status

If ticked, you will be notified when a new payment notice or pay less notice is submitted for your approval as an SQS.

For all other notifications, see the MC QS table above.